MCS1551-1 Seat Roller (Small Seat) (4 PK) (McFarlane)


p/n MCS1551-1
Seat Roller (Small Seat) (4 PK) (McFarlane)

Seat rollers used with the “standard” or “vertically adjustable” seats installed on Cessna aircraft 1963 and beyond. This seat is identified by one or no adjustment crank handles. The seat back angle is adjusted with a lever on the side of the seat back. Roller is 5/8″ diameter. Pack of Qty 4.

SKU: MCS1551-1 Category: Tag:


McFarlane seat parts are superior to O.E.M. parts in many ways. The rollers are fabricated from molydisulfide filled nylon for improved strength and self-lubrication. All rollers are fully machined from extruded stock for a finer surface finish and higher strength.

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